Project Connect is expanding transit options throughout the Austin area, adding a new light rail system, improving existing commuter rail service and expanding bus routes across the city. Austin voters approved the package of transit improvements and the dedicated funding to pay for the investments in 2020 after years of community planning and engagement. Working in partnership, the City of Austin, Austin Transit Partnership, and CapMetro are implementing these projects.
Austin Transit Partnership was formed in 2020 to oversee Project Connect and implement Austin Light Rail, an electric, street-level train. Austin Light Rail will serve as part of the overall transit network, connecting people to key destinations where they live, work and play to improve mobility and connectivity. Learn about Austin Light Rail Phase 1.
CapMetro oversees implementation of several projects including the expansion of CapMetro Rail, CapMetro Rapid, Pickup and Park & Rides. Explore these projects and more on the CapMetro website.
The City of Austin’s Project Connect Office collaborates with other City departments to implement the Project Connect program. The City also leads the management and investment of $300 million in funding for the Project Connect Displacement Prevention program and partners with CapMetro to implement Equitable Transit-Oriented Development (ETOD).
This library includes documents and videos we shared and comments we received during previous engagement efforts.